How to Maximize Sales with Amazon Product Target Strategy?

How to Maximize Sales with Amazon Product Target Strategy?

A well-structured Amazon product targeting strategy not only enhances product visibility, but also attracts more potential buyers, and increase your sales volume. Through product ASIN targeting, sellers can advertise specifically for individual products or those of competitors; category targeting, on the other hand, allows for broader market promotion across a wider range of products. Additionally, negative product targeting helps sellers avoid displaying ads in irrelevant or undesired locations. Utilizing these Amazon product targeting strategies effectively can significantly boost a product's competitive edge and brand recognition. In Amazon's fiercely competitive market, mastering the art of Amazon product targeting is crucial for any seller looking to increase sales and market share.

What is Product Targeting?

Imagine Amazon as a vast shopping mall, filled with thousands of products. If you're selling there, you'd undoubtedly want customers to notice your products over others. This is where Amazon product targeting comes into play. Through a series of activities and techniques, you can increase your product's visibility, attract potential buyers, and ultimately boost sales.

  1. ASIN Targeting (Individual Products): In this type of product targeting, ads are targeted specifically to certain ASINs. This means advertisers select one or several specific product ASINs and associate their ads with these products. When users browse these specific or related products, the ads will be displayed. This method is suitable for advertisers who want to target specific competitive or complementary products.
  2. Category Targeting: Unlike ASIN targeting, category targeting involves selecting a broader product category rather than specific products. This allows an advertiser's ads to appear alongside all products within a specific category. This type of targeting is ideal for advertisers who want to increase brand awareness within a specific market segment.

How to Use Product Targeting?

Product targeting on Amazon allows sellers to strategically place their ads by selecting specific ASINs or broad product categories, which ensure their products are seen by the right audience. So here we’re going to talk about these two different ways to targeting you products on Amazon.s

Target Your Own ASINs

On Amazon, you can utilize Sponsored Product Ads to target your own ASINs. This means your ads will appear on your own product detail pages instead of your competitors' ads. By selecting products from your own catalog that are relevant or complementary to the product being viewed, you not only protect your brand but also provide more purchasing options, enhancing sales.

Here are some reasons to target your own ASINs:

Prevent Competitors from Occupying Ad Spaces

Amazon allows sellers to bid for the opportunity to display your ads on other sellers' product pages. If you don't target your own ASINs for advertising, competitors might take advantage of this and display their ads on your product pages.

Maintain Brand Image

When consumers browse your product pages, seeing ads from other brands could distract them, or even lead them to purchase a competitor's product. By targeting your own ASINs, you can better control your brand image and the consumer's shopping experience.

Upselling Your Products

On Amazon, you can target your own ASINs with Sponsored Product Ads for cross-selling and upselling. This means you can select your own products as advertising targets, so when customers browse these products, they will also see your recommendations for other products or higher-end options.

Targeting Competitors' ASINs

When you target competitors' ASINs, your product ads may appear on search results pages related to these ASINs. This means when customers search for keywords associated with competitor products, they will also see your product. More importantly, your ads might appear on the competitors' product detail pages. As customers browse these pages, they will see your product as an alternative or complementary option.

Here are some practices for targeting competitor ASINs:

Target Based on Price Range

This strategy involves targeting competitors' products that are in the same category but priced higher. This is particularly effective for sellers offering products that are more affordable yet of comparable quality. Through this strategy, your product, as a more cost-effective option, becomes appealing to consumers who are price-conscious but unwilling to compromise on quality. Highlight the cost-benefit advantage of your product**.** As consumers consider more expensive competitor products, your product can serve as an alternative with similar features but at a more affordable price. This approach can help capture additional market share from consumers who might not have considered your product initially, thereby increasing your market sales.

Target Based on Review Ratings

This strategy promotes your high-rated products by targeting competitors' products with poorer ratings. High-rated products are generally perceived as more reliable and of higher quality, which can help attract consumers looking for high satisfaction. By using negative reviews, when people are looking at products with low ratings, if they see your highly rated product, it can quickly grab their attention and make them think again about buying it. Finally, Displaying your top-rated product next to lower-rated competitors can indirectly improve your brand's reputation.

Target Category

Category targeting allows sellers to advertise within specific product categories on Amazon. This means you can select a broad product category, instead of specific keywords or ASINs, to showcase your ads. Category targeting can help sellers use their advertising budget more effectively, especially when their products appeal to a wide audience but are difficult to describe with specific keywords.

Here are some practical scenarios for category targeting. In practice, you can combine these strategies to target different consumer groups and market segments.

Price Competition Strategy

By setting a price range higher than your product's price, you can target those more expensive competitor products. For generic items, category targeting can help sellers avoid direct keyword competition with high-profit competitors, as bidding for these keywords can be expensive due to market competitiveness. This strategy is particularly suitable for price-sensitive consumers. Emphasizing the cost-effectiveness of your product in ads and descriptions can attract shoppers looking for value-for-money options.

Brand Positioning

Choosing specific brand names for targeting can position one of your branded products amongst other competitive products in the same category, allowing comparison with well-known brands in the market. This strategy is applicable for consumers with strong brand awareness. In your ads, you can highlight similarities and/or advantages of your brand over other famous brands, such as better pricing, higher quality, higher ratings, or additional benefits like Prime eligibility.

New Products/Inventions

For new products or unique inventions that lack specific search keywords, traditional keyword targeting may be ineffective. For new products or brands, category targeting can serve as a means to test market reactions and adjust product positioning strategies. By observing performance in different categories, sellers can better understand their target market.

Browsing-Based Purchase Products

For products that consumers tend to purchase by browsing categories rather than searching for specific keywords (like fashion apparel, gifts, etc.), category targeting is an effective strategy. By displaying ads in related categories, sellers can enhance the visibility of their brands, especially in highly competitive markets.

Negative Product Targeting

Negative product targeting enables sellers to more precisely control where their ads are displayed and, more importantly, where they are not. This approach is based on excluding certain ASINs or categories to avoid showing ads in undesired locations.


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Xuan Xie
April 11, 2024
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